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Królówczana Smuga
208 | 2021
Królowczana Smuga is an audiovisual personality brought to life by Biłgoraj-based Adam Piętak (a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, majoring in Intermedia). The musical narrative is led by deformed guitar sounds, reminiscent of old, dusty and neglected instruments found in the attic of a great-grandfather or unearthed from a hidden forest grave. A voice also appears, far from 'white singing', rather akin to the squawking of an inebriated hobo whose throat has assimilated many drinks in life.
Restoring the memory of the silent, inconvenient, lost, or simply repressed - but still inextricably close to the culture of Bilgoraj becomes the leitmotif of the activities of the Królowczana Smuga. But this is not ethno-centrism, Bilgoraj can only be a point of reference and a starting point - an encouragement to begin the search for 'lost truths' in their local motherlands / homelands.
Mournful is an album about separation and experiencing the mourning associated with it.
Pitiful (dictionary: expressing sorrow / arousing pity)
Sitar making was inextricably linked to Bilgoraj from the early days of the city's establishment (16th century), but it wasn't until the 18th century that sieves and przetaki became the hallmark of Bilgoraj and their production was handled by almost all residents.In the spring, the sieve-makers set out to sell their wares, a ritual of farewell so described by ethnographer Oskar Kolberg*:It is also a local custom that when the rushers leave on the road with their sieves, their wives, relatives and friends escort them as far as the statue of St. John of Nepomuk standing just outside the town on the Zamość road, and there they bid them farewell, treating them to vodka and arrack, which is said to be mournful, or else a few days before, having gathered to go home, they drank in full gulps to say goodbye.