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Leszek Lorent / Andrzej Brzoska
90 | OPUS 1 | 2015
Mysticism of Ancient India told in the language of modern percussion in a solo, ensemble and orchestral version.
The composer Marcin Błażewicz and drummer Leszek Lorent are not afraid to ask questions about where we are going, who we are and who or what we will be when our time will be overl. Drums and live electronics (realized by Andrzej Brzoska) are used to the limit. Aggressive rhythms performed on extensive multi-drum installations, temple chants referring to overtone singing of Tibetan monks, spatiality of sound seem to confirm the thought "We are not alive, it’s the unknown that lives through us". The album includes world phonographic premieres.
Leszek Lorent, one of the greatest European percussionists, has been for years a propagator of Marcin Błażewicz's percussion, which he penetrates by subjecting it to a deep philosophical and spiritual analysis. One can be sure that Lorent's interpretations are not superficial. They present everything that he himself experienced and thought through, not only analyzing Błażewicz's music, but also experiencing it and considering the issues he touches upon.
If we take the perspective of Hinduism, we can risk a statement that the Kundalini strength must be familiar to Marcin Błażewicz. You have a great opportunity to find out about it.