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Paweł Bartnik
82 | 2014
Until now, Paweł Bartnik has devoted himself mainly to KIRk. He also played in the quartet Holy Mass in Alton. He remixed others’ tracks as DJ Sajko. He is a fan of techno, dub techniques and improvisation. He runs Centrala Studio. He lives in Płock.
"Originally there was no special idea for this album. There was a great need for it. Originally, the album was supposed to be called " Sometimes it's worth dying ". Fortunately, I gave up that idea. I went through a lot in the last decade. Personally, I think that was far too much. "- some tracks - leitmotifs, so to speak - I decided to include on this album. I naively thought that it would change something. And if it does not change, at least it will sell. After all," only the truth is interesting ". Apart from me, there is also techno on the album. which I like. Escapist, introverted, sometimes aggressive, sometimes silly. "