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Rafał Gorzycki
139 | 2017
An amazing, extremely intimate, solo project of the founder of Sing Sing Penelope or Ecstasy Project.
The latest album by Gorzycki is a huge dose of peace, mystery, economical form and depth of sound ... A real synthesis of arts. Rafał Gorzycki plays here not only on his leading instrument - percussion, but above all, the piano, vibraphone and organ. However, SYRIUSZ is not just otherworldly music. This time, Rafał's concerts will form multidimensional spectacles / radio plays. The artist will also present the contemporary poetry of the poet and painter living in Germany - Krzysztof Gruse. One of the best documentary filmmakers from the Andrzej Wajda Master School - Marcin Sauter, took care of the visual and film layer of SYRIUSZ.
"I have been maturing for a solo project for almost 20 years, since I heard Jack De Johnette's" Pictures "album. Now I'm ready - I have already developed my own language as a drummer and composer. Yet I have always envied writers and painters because they can create a work themselves - from start to finish. There is no executive apparatus in the form of other members of the band. There is only you. Nothing in between. A solo project is a stage for me that I want to go through before I go back to bigger forms. It will be the most personal album in my career so far ... Thanks to the piano, I can express emotions that as a drummer or composer I have not been able to show so far ... The piano is the power of sound, color and mood that will emanate from SYRIUSZ ... More so because I want to go beyond music with this project. I’m also interested in film and plastic arts. I recently visited the Center for Contemporary Art at Ujazdowski Castle, where I was delighted with the exhibition "Things do things" - lots of dolls, hand puppets, animated films. I really liked it all. I decided to make a spectacle out of my solo album - turn on color, light, film, dolls, movement. I feel that this is an interesting direction, and since I will not have to deal with my bandmates (laughs), I can devote all my energy to combining music, words and images ... "