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Rigor Mortiss
57 | ARCHIVE SERIES 09 | 2013/2014 - Out of print
Rigor Mortiss played the music of its time. The 90s were dirty, radical, ruthless. Nobody paid any attention to conventions, had nice conversations over tea, didn't wait for the green light to walk along the stripes. The pace was important - the sooner the better. Nobody smoothed the edges. The first fresh idea and the quick implementation time counted.
It was in such an atmosphere that Rigor Mortiss, the inescapable child of its time, was forged. The band was founded in 1990 in Płock - this is an important distinguishing feature. Where the air is full of lead, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide, it was easier to find sounds that conveyed the mood of those years. It is no coincidence that the most important bands of those years came from dirty and cracked cities. Ministry from Chicago, the American capital of the car industry. Nine Inch Nails from Cleveland, which is (or at least then was) one great ironworks. Einstürzende Neubauten from West Berlin, a symbol of a city internally split in two. Young Gods of Friborg, Switzerland, torn between the French and the Germans. After all, Front 242 from Brussels, a city ineptly trying to tie the Flemish and Walloons together. Płock fits this counting perfectly. It is a city dominated by large petrochemicals. Until the end of the last century, chimneys with flaming torches gave it an unreal, industrial character. The city itself is also cracked - between its own size (after all, it was the capital of the country in the Middle Ages) and today's provincialism, when it cannot break out of the shadows of nearby Warsaw. Płock has always been a breeding ground for rough groups with sharp edges - such as punk Farben Lehre, Chuligani Yard, Strike, metal Hazael, Abberation, Gate, or Lao Che cross.
Rigor Mortiss is a child of its city. Already the name of the band showed its horned soul. "Rigor mortis" is the Latin medical term for "concentration after death." After some time it turned out that the name of the band was already taken - the same was the name of the American metal group. Hence the second "s".
In December 1992, the band released their debut material. Recorded in Robert Brylewski's Gold Rock Studio, released in a truly avant-garde style, because with his own money - back then almost no one in Poland worked like that. The tapes spread out great at concerts, and the band was getting louder and louder.
After minor changes (one track dropped out of the album), the debut album "Rigor Mortiss" was released by SPV, which then specialized in publishing recordings of industrial bands - it even created a special series for them called Radioactive Crucifix.
It was the golden age of Rigor Mortiss's short history. In 1994, Andrzej Fijołek made two music videos, and the band made a sensation at concerts, performing at the most important festivals in the country. The beginning of the end of the group was the breakup with Radek Filarski, who emigrated to the USA. Before leaving, he managed to record three songs with the band. After he disappeared, the group did not survive despite the trials. It performed at several concerts together with the guitarist Tomasz Dobrzeniecki. It did great with this line-up at the Castle Party festival. However, it was the band's swan song. The industrial era is over, the time has come for services, which can be heard even on the radio.