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Remek Hanaj
168 | 2018
The album is a collage of archival voices, prepared and unprepared acoustic instruments and electronics; it is a few-threaded musical fabric - a story about war and peace, love and hate, sense and nonsense, old age and loneliness, and last but not least, about listening to music. I especially love singing. So this album is also a tribute that I pay to some favorite voices, personalities and singing phenomena, a specific tribute, because I decided to share my personal hearing of singing, sometimes impressionist, sometimes essential, which creates new songs. At the same time I focus on the hearing zone, which stays a bit next to the language, but not next to the content.
Special thanks to: Hanna Koropnychenko, Wartan Gulan oraz Ensemble Tirana i Vera Nikitina (nagranie Anastazji Nikuluszkiny)
Many thanks to: Justyna Czerwińska, Agata Harz, Kasia Kaczmarek, Klaudia Niemkiewicz, Paweł Nowicki, Łukasz Pawlak, Justyna Piernik, Maria Puzyna, Tadeusz Sudnik, Monika Walenko-Ilitsang
Thank you for your help and cooperation!