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KakofoNIKT & Chór Pogłosy
188 | 2020
The kakofoNIKT band has been moving at the interface of such tactics as free improvisation, noise, industrial for thirteen years.
In 2018, (thanks to the intervention of the Sonus ex Machina festival), the band met with the WSJO Canto-Cantare Choir of several dozen memebers, operating since 1996, and since 2016 under the conductor of the seeking and extremely lively Joanna Sykulska (previously the conductor of the “Witch Choir”) - to work together on a new electrifying project, combining Slavic mythology, folk rituals, medieval and Renaissance choral traditions, botanical, historical and psychonautical insights into the sphere of native flora and psychoactive microflora as well as sonoristic, experimental but also folk musical techniques.
The musical skeleton was based on the harmonic foundations of composers such as Guillaume de Machaut, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina or Wacław of Szamotuły, newly developed and translated into electronic music.
Radio Centrum Kultury Ludowej is a co-producer on the album